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My Super Type A Attempt at Being Zen

Change your world from frantic, hectic and stress filled to calm, cool and collected. Find the personal balance you are craving.


My Super Type A Attempt at Being Zen is a journey through pattern breaking, self-discovery and rebuilding your world around you to bring you more joy, less stress and a balance that works for you.

You feel overwhelmed, overworked and are quick to fly off the handle…. You have lost the fun…. You aren’t acting like the person you want to be…. You walk around angry all the time feeling like the taskmaster or the enforcer.

You wish you could just take time off, find joy in your life again, indulge in your hobbies, passions and release the pressure of all that you carry on your shoulders, but you have an overwhelming sense of responsibility and you feel like you are the only one who can do it, or at least do it right…then you are in the right place.


Dear Overworked Overachiever,

You are so tired. Like, you’re already tired tomorrow.

You are an efficient, brilliant, leader. You take great pride in being an integral part of your community, your career space and your family. You don’t run away from hard work, you admire a strong work ethic. You have all the lists! Not only that, you take great joy in crossing off the items as you complete them. You shine when you are achieving your goals.

You have your head down, achieving, growing, prospering and somewhere along the way, you forgot that it’s not all about that and you’re feeling anxious all the time. You are quick to react to little things that are kicking you off into bouts of frustration or anger. You feel guilty and overwhelmed more often than not. Your lists just keep getting longer, but you feel like you’re the only one working to get them done.

You are burning out and you are afraid that if you stop, the whole world will fall apart around you, so you just keep going, even though you are out of steam.

I am here to tell you that, the fate of the entire world does not rest upon your shoulders!

You want to feel relaxed, balanced, joyful, while still feeling accomplished. You want to be your best self at work, at home and at play (but play has been almost non-existent). You wish there was a way to put more hours in the day, more energy in your body, more gas in the tank.

You’ve tried having a bubble bath, or going to yoga, and it’s just not cutting it.

Let’s do this together, build more balance in your life. Today is the day to make the change, before the patterns you are locked into now give you a heart-attack!

Take the first step on your journey to Zen and do this important work for yourself. You deserve to enjoy this beautiful life you have created for yourself.



Risha Yorke



You are driven to achieve and you have a way of doing things that is efficient, good and proper. You can’t imagine letting go of any responsibilities, because, who will pick up the slack and still meet your standards?

Maybe you…

...Get mad when you have delegated and the results do not meet your expectations.

...Feel like you are alone, trudging through the hard work, while everyone else is out playing.

...Are always putting everyone else before yourself.

...Feel stressed out by the little things, like how someone loads the dishwasher or folds a shirt.

...Feel like you are always anxious because your to-do list does not get any shorter, but you can’t continue at this pace.

...Know your worth, but feel like you are too bogged down to reach your full potential.

...Are embarrassed to admit that you lose your cool more often than you would like because you have very little patience.


Listen, my “Super Type A” friend, I want you to know that you don’t have to live like this.

It’s time to start your journey to Zen and find that balance you deserve!


Burnout is real and I’ve been there.

You don’t have to feel like you are the only one with the task list. You don’t have to work yourself into the grave. You don’t have to feel stressed, anxious, exhausted, burnt out, overworked or angry at the world!

You can find your balance, your Zen, your peace. You are allowed to relax and feel fulfilled. You have so much more control than you think.

I’m Risha Yorke anD I AM a recovering perfectionist.

I specialize in personal and professional development, I am a Success Coach and Business coach. I am Corporate Trainer Cerified (CTC) and Advanced Communication Skills Certified (ACSC). With the help of cutting edge tools, strategies that are scientifically proven and the lessons that this life has brought me, I know that I can start you on your path to Zen. It all starts with the first step.



I have been there…

I’ve had the full-time job and the side hustle and the start-up business at the same time.

I’ve managed my small business while caring for small children and feeling that pull to be in both places at once.

I’ve done the hard work, gotten the accolades, been celebrated only to feel burnt out and unsatisfied.

I’ve lost my mind over a dirty dish, a schmeer of peanut butter, a stained shirt, a missed task, an unfinished job, etc., etc., only to later feel guilty and ashamed.

I felt overwhelmed, overworked, overtaxed, overtired, over touched, over used and over scheduled.

I made a promise to myself, the year my mother was diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease, that I would make it my life’s goal to learn to relax. So I did. I did all the things. I took all the baths. I went to all the spas. I took all the vacations. I started to chip away at this mindset I had created that told me that my value came from my productivity.

It turns out, the stress wasn’t as inescapable as it felt. It turns out, I was getting in my own way.

The problem was I couldn’t see the big picture and I was drowning in the minutiae.

Then came my biggest test, a pandemic hit, I’m home with a baby and a toddler and my business comes to a grinding halt. Next, my best friend, my mentor and my mother died and I felt an overwhelm I had never experienced. It was crippling.

I’m not going to lie, I’m still recovering and I’m not sure I’ll ever fully heal from the losses I have experienced in the last year. What I do know, is that it all taught me valuable life lessons that I can now impart to you.

Zen is different for everyone. Your path will be unique. What is the same, is the goal of balance and the shared experiences and support needed to get to that place. That is what I’m offering, you only have to say YES to the help…even though I know you can do anything on your own, in this case, you don’t have to...


I was able to build a formula for success!

Risha Singing into the sky. Shaddows of the trees and speckles of sun are across her body. She is wearing a leopard print jumpsuit and leather jacket.

I am now living my dream and I want the same for you.

Everything I ever wanted became a reality. Now I…

...manage my time based on how I feel. No apologies, no guilt.

...Live in cottage country on the water – better to balance the lifestyle I want to live when I’m not at work.

...Make my own schedule that gives me the freedom I need to be happy

...Have a wonderful, supportive partner who elevates and celebrates me

…Become more self-aware when I’m communicating with my children, my partner or my friends.

...Find more Zen in my day to day! I feel balanced! …Most days.

I know you can find balance...

...and my goal is to fast track you on this journey.
It’s my life’s work to see you get it all!

I want to see you…

...Reduce your daily stress

...Find more joy and laughter

...Feel confident in your relationships

...Feel surrounded by support and love

You need to realize that you don’t have to start this journey alone.

We all need support from time to time.


You are probably thinking…

“This won’t work for me…”

“I don’t have time to focus on myself...”

“I struggle with mental health, this won’t do anything…”

“My friends and family will help me get there…”

“ I can’t afford this…”

You know better.

You know that you need to take control before this feeling of burnout and exhaustion leaves you a shell of your former self.


You don’t want to waste any more time ignoring your needs and devoting yourself to everyone and everything other than yourself.


So, I created My Super Type A Attempt at Being Zen.


What is My Super Type A Attempt at Being Zen all about? What can I expect?

During this 9-week program, I will support you through a personal discovery and awareness journey. You’ll receive skills and tools that will allow you to recognize when you’re burning out or overwhelmed and calm your nervous system! No more blow ups, melt downs or freak outs! (Or at least, a lot less of them.)

In working with me you will learn about the way you find peace, how you process information, value your time and prioritize, changing your work, life and romantic relationships for the better! You are going to feel peace and calm, instead of your current overwhlem and anger. You are going to find your path to Zen!


You will leave this program with:


A NEW PERSPECTIVE and Mindset tools

You will transform your self-doubt, your disengagement and your stress into a calm and centered confidence. You will know how to shift your mindset to bring about peace.


You will learn what fills your bucket, fuels your energy and brings you joy. You will use tools to guide you on your own customized path to Zen, one that is tailored to YOU specifically.

Confidence to set effective boundaries

You will gain the ability to protect your energy, gatekeep your calendar and say ‘No’ without the guilt, second guessing and stress. You will know what your limitations are, honor them and bring more balance into your life.

Someone you can count on

Once a client, always a client. I offer a door wide open policy. Once we work together, I’m always here for you if you need a perspective check-in or a friendly reminder of how awesome you are.

A Plan for the Life You Want and a Map to Get You There

You will have an idea of your personal balanced life. You will know what you want. You will have all the knowledge and instruction you need to hatch them into being.

Balance and calm

Through the support of the program, you will discover how to calm your nervous system, use your time in a way to support your ultimate goal of more balance, and see the world in a way that allows you to feel less overwhelmed and more joyful. 9 weeks to a more balanced you.


You will gain so much from this adventure, I can’t possibly put it all into words!

Throughout the 9 weeks with me, you’ll get:

A deeper connection to yourself and your needs:

- Weekly modules including video training and workbooks.

- Self-assessment tools and guidance on using them.

- A curated reading list that supports the growth you will experience throughout the program.

1-on-1 Focus:

- Weekly 90 min video chat or phone coaching sessions with Risha.

- 24/7 access to Risha via email for 9 weeks.

A realistic vision for your more balanced future:

- A plan for your self-care

- Workbooks that build upon themselves so you can reference back to your goals and priorities.

- More quiet in your mind than you ever thought possible.


Ok, so when I apply, then what?

When you apply for My Super Type A Attempt at Being Zen, The Program you will receive an invitation to an initial consultation phone meeting. During this meeting we will be sure that this program is the right fit for you and your goals.

If, together, we decide you are the ideal client for this program, then we will decide on your payment process and book your first coaching session immediately. You will get access to the first week’s module and you will be on you way to your new balanced life!

I am so excited to see you find more joy in your everyday!

Are you ready to feel more relaxed?


How is this program different?

My Super Type A Attempt at Being Zen, The Program sets itself apart from other programs by being adaptive and ever-evolving. It’s built on tools and techniques that have been compiled over the last 10+ years in order to support you on your journey in a more efficient and impactful way.

It combines theories from the experts in the field of personal development, psychology and Zen Masters and allows you to experience the best of what the industry offers.

You get full access to your coach on a weekly basis for 90 mins. It’s not pre-recorded. It’s not a scaled program that removes the 1-on-1 connection. It’s human.


I, Risha Yorke, have an out-of-the-box approach that is organic, inspirational and exhilarating.

By the end of this program, you’ll have gained perspective on what your priorities are, how you want to spend your time and what will bring you more peace and balance.

Throughout My Super Type A Attempt at Being Zen, The Program, I’ll introduce you to human behavior theories, communication styles, mindset exercises, and so much more to build a sense of safety and calm.

You can sign up for a variety of personal development programs offered around the world, but I promise you, there is no other program like this. This experience brings together personal growth best practices, advice from leading psychologists and Zen Masters and human behavior science in a way that has never been done before. Giving room for your discovery and growth in the process.

Your graduation from My Super Type A Attempt at Being Zen, The Program will be the beginning of a marvelous new chapter in your life. You will feel confident with your decisions, be calmer in your everyday and more joyful overall. You will overcome your past anxieties and obstacles with ease and grace.

You will have to work for it.

It’s not going to be an overnight change. (Nothing ever worth having is.)

There may be days where you forget how powerful you are. (We all doubt ourselves.)

But then…things will all start falling into place.

As you practice all you’ve learned, implement and build habits, a bright shiny, exciting world will reveal itself to you…and you’ll be astonished.

You will be calm.

You will be balanced.

You will start to see the change you are making in your world and the benefits of being present.

You will finally know what it’s like to feel relaxed.

You will be truly YOU and nourished, cared for, loved.


THIS is my guarantee...


I Guarantee you!

I Guarantee you! Following your 9 weeks in this course, you will have a better understanding of how you get triggered, where your stress comes from, how to fuel yourself in a healthy way and how to find more peace, more calm, more balance and in turn, more happiness in your day to day life.

I am telling you, if you put in the work, you will see the results.


You are ready for My Super type a attempt at being zen, the program if…

●       You’re tired…like, really tired of being tired.

●       You believe it’s time for a change. You can set your doubt aside and ask for help.

●       You are ready to work hard, be open to coaching and allow yourself to evolve.

●       You want to take control of your future and are done waiting for things to balance out on their own.

●       You want to know how to build effective personal habits that will make you happier in the long run.


This program is not for you if…

●       You are still making excuses and apologizing for yourself. If you think you’re ok working a million hours, burning out, and are happy living there, I can’t help you.

●       You are skeptical about the results of this program. I KNOW it works. I KNOW it changes lives. If you don’t have faith in me, you’re not going to be open to all I have to offer.

●       You think this is a quick fix. It’s not. It’s the beginning. It’s the groundwork. It’s your jumping off point. You will need take responsibility for implementing it.

●       You think this will make you happy all the time. No one is happy all the time. We live in the human experience. You might end up happy most of the time, but that ultimately comes down to the work you do in this program.


You can burn out, live angry and...

● Be stuck, plateaued in your life.

● Continue to have frustration and anger build.

● Cause undue harm to your self-esteem.

● Damage relationships by acting out of passive aggression.

● Forgo reaching your goals.

● Not really know what balance you’re able to achieve.

Or you can say "NOT ME", be part of my program and...

● Find your path to a happier you

● Realize your dreams

● Take care of yourself

● Balance the most important things

● Live as your whole self

● Discover peace and calm

and begin your journey to Zen.

You’ve waited long enough, put in the hours, felt the burnout.

You can take care of you now!

Questions? Of course you do!

How will I receive the content of the program?

The content of this program will be distributed in a variety of platforms.

o   Through online video training modules

o   Through workbooks to accompany each topic, giving you guidance on your journey to success. 

o   You will have phone and/or video 1-on-1 coaching sessions with Risha.

o   There is a reading list provided and you can choose how you want to procure that: library, eBook, audiobook.

What about a payment plan? Is that something you offer?

We offer payment plans. We will discuss options prior to completing your order. You will find that the upfront fee offers more savings.


So, 9 weeks, 9 modules? How strict is the schedule?

Yes, you will receive 9 modules in 9 weeks, some people opt for every other week, so 9 modules in 18 weeks. You have some big things to accomplish here. If your schedule is so intense that a weekly meeting is not possible, we will find a schedule that works for you. I expect you to commit your time and be diligent about staying on task. Exceptions are made for medical emergencies, of course.


Why should I do this program?

Re-read all content above. If none of this resonates for you, this might not be for you.

If you feel a connection with what I’ve said, I think you know why you should do this program. You have been operating at this pace for far too long. It’s time to slow down and make yourself and your wellbeing a priority.


I know I have more questions, but I don’t know what they are.

No problem. Click here to submit any other questions you might have. I’m happy to answer.

BUT, don’t dwell on the unknown. Come with me on the journey, My Super Type A Attempt at Being Zen.

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